5 Easy Ways to Add Flavour Without Sacrificing Your Health

healthy diet flavour

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word diet? IF you’re like most people, then you probably associate dieting with starving, being miserable, and counting down the minutes, hours, and days until you’ll be allowed to eat your favorite foods again.

Eating a healthy diet, however, is everything but these things. You don’t have to deprive yourself of the enjoyment in food in order to stick to a meal plan that is both tasty and good for you. Here are 5 ways you can add flavour to your diet without sacrificing your health:

1. Spices and herbs

If you’re still using only salt and pepper to season your food, it’s time for a change. Spices and herbs come in a wide variety of flavours and can intensify the taste of virtually any meal, which makes them an ideal choice for everyone looking to make their healthy diet a bit more exciting.

Using more spices and herbs is also one of the easiest ways to improve the nutritional value of your meals. Turmeric and curcumin, for instance, contain anti-inflammatory compounds which promote better functioning of the cardiovascular system, reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s diseases and certain types of cancers, boosts the immune system and balances hormone levels. Add a pinch of these spices to a bowl of curry, use them to season roasted veggies, or blend a dash in your morning smoothie.

You can instantly transform your usual soups, omelets, and salads by adding basil, parsley, chives, dill, or cilantro. And if you want to add flavor to your healthy desserts, try experimenting with recipes that ask for mint, cinnamon, ginger, or cardamom.

2. Healthy food choices

healthy food choice

When your daily schedule is so jam-packed that preparing healthy meals at home is simply impossible, you don’t have to pull in at the first fast food drive-through you see. There much healthier ways to keep your diet on track during busy days and one of the most convenient ones is having your healthy meal delivered to your doorstep.

Using a healthy food delivery service is an ideal way to eat balanced meals even when you’re strapped for time. Not only will it help you keep your portion sizes under control and resist unhealthy food temptations, but it will actually save you time, energy, and money.

It’s no wonder that more and more busy professionals all over Australia are ditching their habit of eating greasy takeouts over lunch break and relying on healthy meal delivery services to help them refuel. Healthy food delivery in Melbourne and other major cities across Australia has had a significant impact on the population’s eating habits and Aussies are now among the top five healthiest eaters in the world.

3. Odd food combos

Mixing and matching ingredients that typically don’t go together can be a surprisingly delicious way to add flavor without wreaking havoc on your healthy eating plan.

If you still haven’t tried peanut butter and pickle sandwich, peppered apple slices, strawberry basil lemonade, eggplant, and banana curry, or pears with blue cheese and walnuts, it’s time to open your mind to new flavours that will not only satisfy your palate but will also improve your health and wellness.

4. Low-calorie toppings and spreads

low calorie toppings

Dessert toppings and bread spreads are one of those sneaky foods that end up ruining your diet without you even noticing. Pancake and fruit salad toppings like whipped cream and chocolate simple are packed with empty calories, so why not swap them for healthier alternatives that taste equally good?

Instead of whole milk whipped cream, add flavor to your morning pancakes by drizzling them with some homemade strawberry chia seed jam, organic maple syrup, or caramel sauce made with coconut milk.

As for savory toppings and bread spreads, use cottage cheese or ricotta instead of cream cheese and butter, pour some olive oil over your toast to give it Mediterranean flavor and reap the benefits from healthy fats, and instead of eating plain white bread with butter, spread some hummus on a whole-wheat toast and add a poached egg on top for a filling and yummy morning meal.

5. Healthy marinades

With the warmer weather approaching, it’s time to start thinking about healthier ways to marinate your meat and fish so that you can enjoy the grilling season without guilt.

Use flavored vinegar such as balsamic, strawberry or raspberry vinegar, or fig vinegar to marinate your chicken, let the fish fillets soak in a mixture of lime juice and chili powder, and make a healthy marinade for your steak by mixing vinegar, horseradish, oil, garlic, and thyme.

Healthy diets don’t’ have to be bland and boring, so don’t be afraid to spice up your meals, mix and match different ingredients, and swap fat- and sugar-laden toppings, spreads, and marinades for equally delicious but healthy alternatives.

Last but not least, don’t’ beat yourself up when you can’t find the time to prepare fresh meals at home. Simply skip the fast food restaurants and use healthy food delivery services to help you keep your diet on track.

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